Dear reader, today the profession of a programmer, also known as a "Software Developer", is increasingly fashionable and sought after for several reasons. Whether it's to obtain a well-paid job, an ascending career with advancement possibilities, or out of personal interest in developing software applications.

No matter what your goal is, since you have opened this book it means you are interested in the profession. The book can be helpful to you, especially for conducting a study in the field of software development.

Yes, this book can be of significant help in making a decision and conducting a study. It describes the gradual training process of an IT specialist, compared to the path others have already taken. This study comes with a set of proposals and recommendations regarding the methods and methodologies that you should apply to gain knowledge and practical skills.

All recommendations are based on my own professional training experience. Being a software developer for over 11 years, I've experienced all stages from junior to senior, and I realized that it would be good and useful to share my own experience and knowledge with others.

Since 2015, I have started teaching at private IT training centers, offering consultations and meditations to programming enthusiasts. As a result of multiple questions from students, I gathered more answers about IT careers, stages of growth, technologies, specializations, study paths, etc. Many people who are interested in learning have questions about the technologies they must choose, areas of specialization, or how to apply the theory in practice.

"I will try to guide you to a crossroads where you will have to choose on your own", I particularly refer here to the subject of study, as there are many programming languages and various technologies, but depending on what you want and compared to what others have achieved, you could make a choice based on some recommendations and case studies presented in this book.

You must study the path you have to take thoroughly before embarking on a journey. Have the necessary clothes and equipment, and here I am referring metaphorically to the knowledge and practical skills you must acquire to become a good software developer. Moreover, I am sure that I would have achieved much more in a much shorter time if I had this information from the beginning.

This book will teach you how to learn, which I consider the most significant thing. My goal is to consult, guide, and prepare the ground for qualitative studies. Some recommendations and methodologies presented in this book will be of great use to you.

Good luck!


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